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Fig. 7 | Lingua Sinica

Fig. 7

From: Linking constructions in Mayrinax Atayal

Fig. 7

Covert movement in Example (58b) in violation of locality

*Although operated in the head movement, clitic climbing may involve argument dependency—a clitic pronoun is somehow associated with an argument position (Kayne 1989, 1993). It is noteworthy that in Mayrinax the absolutive clitic pronoun =su’ may have a null reflex/operator (OPj in Fig. 7) in its argument position that blocks movement of an A’-element (OPi), and the blocking effect makes the clitic pronoun look like a DP argument. Further investigation of how a clitic moves or climbs and how clitic climbing is different from A’-movement or A’-movement in structural representation is needed to tackle this problem

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