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Fig. 11 | Lingua Sinica

Fig. 11

From: Linking constructions in Mayrinax Atayal

Fig. 11

A cartographic structure of Mayrinax linking constructions

*According to Rizzi (1997), CP projections here should be further divided into different CP layers, such as ForceP, FocusP, InterrogativeP, and so on. However, the syntactic significance and existence of these functional projections should be further studied and identified

**Although ’i’ LC and cu’ LC share exactly the same features, they should be placed in different vPs. When ’i’ LC and cu’ LC are ordered in sentences, ’i’ LC should precede cu' LC, but not vice versa, as in (vii). (vii) a. m-na-hiya-hiyaw__’i’LC__c<um>xu’__cu’LC__maspaqpaq__cu’__buax__AV-VCL-RED-slow__LNK__smash<AV>__LNK__broken.AV__OBL__rice__’i’__watanABS__WatanWatan slowly smashed the rice into piecesb. *c<um>xu’__cu’LC__maspaqpaq__cu’__buax__’i’LC__m-na-hiya-hiyaw__’i’__watansmash<AV>__LNK__broken.AV__OBL__rice__LNK__AV-VCL-RED-slow__ABS__WatanIntended: Watan smashed the rice into pieces slowly

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