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Table 1 Comparison of classes of lexical borrowing in Modern Standard Chinese and English

From: A typology of lexical borrowing in Modern Standard Chinese

Class of borrowing

Example from English

Example from Modern Standard Chinese

Partial calques


瓶颈 píng-jǐng “bottleneck”

Holistic calques


盗版 dào-bǎn “to pirate”

Symbolic loans, non-autoch. script


de ≡ 的 de ATT; NOM

Symbolic loans, autoch. script


科学 kēxué “science”

Pure transliterations


伊妹儿 yī-mèi-ér “email”

Phono-semantic matches

chaise lounge

托福 tuō-fú “TOEFL”

Transliteration + explanation

tsunami wave

爱滋病 àizī-bìng “Aids”

Transliteration + translation


因特网 yīntè-wǎng “internet”

Phonetic representations


Q “elastic; chewy”

Graphic puns


taxi ≡ tài-kěxī “such a pity”

Borrowed initialisms



Borrowed acronyms



Wholesale borrowed words

pâté; naïve; déjà vu

fans “fans”

Hybrid I: letters + characters


BB机 B-B- “pager”

Hybrid II: letters + numerals


3Q sān-Q “thank you”

  1. aThis expression, calqued from the German Ohrwurm, denotes a catchy and sometimes annoying tune that gets stuck in one’s head