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Table 8 Words classified as other emotions by the majority (≥70 %) of the raters and the corresponding percentage of raters in each language variety

From: Encoding emotion in Chinese: a database of Chinese emotion words with information of emotion type, intensity, and valence




害羞haixiu “shy” 86 %

不好意思 buhaoyisi “embarrassed” 83 %

倚重 yizhong “rely heavily upon” 82 %

怀疑 huaiyi “suspect” 82 %

羞惭 xiucan “ashamed” 78 %

敬慕 jingmu “admire” 78 %

珍惜 zhenxi “cherish” 77 %

同情 tongqing “empathy” 77 %

挂念 guanian “reminisce” 74 %

羞涩 xiuse “shy 74 %

敬重 jingzhong “revere” 73 %

信服 xinfu “convinced” 73 %

无奈 wunai “helpless” 86 %

羡慕 xianmu “admire” 77 %

自傲 zi’ao “proud” 76 %

同情 tongqing “empathy” 71 %

体贴 titie “considerate” 79 %

挂念 guanian “reminisce” 79 %

怜惜 lianxi “compassionate” 79 %

自傲 zi’ao “proud” 79 %

羞愧 xiukui “ashamed” 78 %

害羞 haixiu “shy” 75 %

溺爱 ni’ai “spoil” 75 %

同情 tongqing “empathy” 75 %

崇拜 chongbai “adore” 74 %

羞惭 xiucan “ashamed” 74 %

痴迷 chimi “obsessed” 73 %

情愿 qingyuan “willingly” 73 %

关切 guanqie “care” 70 %