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Table 5 Highly representative emotion words

From: Encoding emotion in Chinese: a database of Chinese emotion words with information of emotion type, intensity, and valence


Words voted by all participants into the type


愤怒 fennu “angry” (MC, HK, SG), 愤懑 “resentful” (MC), 生气 shengqi “angry” (MC, HK, SG), 暴怒 baonu “rage” (MC, HK, SG)


心急 xinji “impatient” (MC), 心焦 xinjiao “anxious” (MC), 焦虑 jiaolü “anxious” (MC, HK), 焦急 jiaoji “worried” (MC, SG), 焦躁 jiaozao “anxious” (MC, SG)


厌烦 yanfan “bored” (MC), 反感 fangan “dislike” (SG), 厌恶 yanwu “disgust” (MC, HK), 腻烦 nifan “bored” (MC, SG), 讨厌 taoyan “hate” (MC, HK)


pa “fear” (SG), 恐惧 kongju “fear” (MC), 畏惧 weiju “fear” (MC)


高兴 gaoxing “pleased” (MC, HK, SG), 欢欣 huanxin “joyful” (MC, HK, SG), 欢快 huankuai “happy” (MC, HK, SG),欢乐 huanle “happy” (MC, HK, SG), 欢喜 huanxi “joyful” (MC, HK, SG), 开心 kaixin “happy” (MC, HK, SG), 乐 le “happy” (MC, HK, SG), 乐意 leyi “willing” (MC), 喜悦 xiyue “joyful” (MC, HK, SG), 快乐 kuaile “happy” (HK, SG), 欢 huan “happy” (MC, HK),欢愉 huanyu “delighted” (MC), 欢悦 huanyue “pleased” (MC), 欢娱 huanyu “pleasure” (MC, SG), 欣喜 xinxi “happy” (MC, HK, SG), 快活 kuaihuo “happy” (MC), 满意 manyi “satisfied” (MC), 愉悦 yuyue “pleasure” (HK), 兴奋 xingfen “excited” (MC), 欢畅 huanchang “joyful” (MC), 幸福 xingfu “happy” (MC), 喜爱 xiai “favorite” (SG), 欣慰 xinwei “pleased” (MC, HK), 热爱 re’ai “love” (MC), 窝心 woxin “pleased” (HK), 自豪 zihao “proud” (MC), 钟爱 zhongai “favorite” (MC)


哀愁 aichou “sad” (MC, HK, SG), 哀伤 aishang “sad” (HK, SG), 悲伤 beishang “sad” (MC, HK, SG), 伤心 shangxin “sad” (MC, HK), 感伤 ganshang “sentimental” (HK, SG), 悲痛 beitong “grief” (SG), 悲哀 beiai “sad” (MC, HK), 哀痛 aitong “sad” (MC, HK), 悲恸 beitong “grief” (MC), 悲愁 beichou “sad” (HK), 伤感 shanggan “sentimental” (SG), 悲凄 qibei “sad” (HK), 悲凉 beiliang “desolate” (HK), 沮丧 jusang “depressed” (SG)


惊讶 jingya “surprised” (HK, SG), 惊奇 jingqi “surprised” (HK, SG), 诧异 chayi “surprised” (MC), 惊诧 jingcha “astonished” (MC), 惊愕 jinge “stunned” (HK), 愕然 eran “astounded” (MC), 惊疑 jingyi “surprised” (MC), 吃惊 chijing “surprised” (MC, SG), 震惊 zhenjing “shocked” (MC, HK, SG)