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Table 1 Repeated items

From: Encoding emotion in Chinese: a database of Chinese emotion words with information of emotion type, intensity, and valence

Real words repeated within a list

Real words repeated across lists

Non-word repeated across lists

List 1: 厌倦 yanjuan “bored,” 悲痛 beitong “grief”

List 2: 担忧 danyou “worried,” 丧气 sangqi “discouraged”

List 3: 愉悦 yuyue “pleasure,” 痛恨 tonghen “hate”

List 4: 愤慨 fenkai “resentful,” 愁闷 choumen “depressed”

Lists 1, 2: 开心 kaixin “happy”

Lists 1, 3: 焦躁 jiaozao “anxious”

Lists 1, 4: 愤怒 fennu “angry”

Lists 2, 3: 沉痛 chentong “grief”

Lists 2, 4: 震惊 zhenjing “shocked”

Lists 3, 4: 畏惧 weiju “fear”

Lists 1, 2, 3, 4: 几几 jiji