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Table 2 Auditory primes 學 xue2, zhuang1, he1 and their visual targets

From: Exhaustive semantic activation for reading ambiguous verbs in Chinese sentences

Auditory prime


Visual target

Experimental target

Control target

xue2 [ROM = 5.52]

Primary: ‘to learn’

研習 yan2xi2 ‘to study’

創立 chuang4li4 ‘to establish’

Secondary: ‘to imitate’

模仿 mo2fang3 ‘to imitate’

表明 biao3ming2 ‘to state clearly’

zhuang1 [ROM = 1.71]

Primary: ‘to pack into’

放進 fang4jin4 ‘to put into’

發炎 fa1yan2 ‘to be infected with inflammation’

Secondary: ‘to pretend’

假冒 jia3mao4 ‘to pretend’

警示 jing3shi4 ‘to warn’


‘to drink’ (unambiguous)

飲用 yin3yong4 ‘to drink’

指派 zhi3pai4 ‘to appoint’